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Embassy of the Dominican Republic

Tel: 202-332-6280
Fax: 202-265-8057

Intellectual Property Rights

The Dominican Republic became member of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in June 2000. It has also signed several treaties of Intellectual Property Rights Protection as the Convention on the Protection of Literary and Artistic Work, the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, and the WIPO Convention, among others.


The Constitution of the Dominican Republic (paragraph 14 article 8) recognizes the exclusive and temporal property of inventions and scientific, autistics and literary productions. In the recent years new laws have also been adapted concerning authors’ rights and industrial property in order to fulfill of the international intellectual property rights protection standards. Those laws that currently regulate the intellectual property rights in the Dominican Republic are Law 20-00 on Industrial Property and its Rules of Application (No. 599-01), Law 65-00 on Author Rights and it’s Rules of Application (No. 362-01).